9 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

I want to be more active

The Lycian Way is a 310-mile long path between Fethiye and Antalya. Travelling on foot through the landscapes of ancient Lycia provides stunning views of the Turquoise coast, swims in secluded coves and contact with Turkish village life. It is possible to do the walk, or a section of it, independently. Kate Clow, an expatriate living in Turkey who initially researched the walk, has written a guide, The Lycian Way: Turkey's First Long-Distance Walk. The best time to walk is spring or autumn, but be warned that it can be strenuous with some gruelling ascents, knee-jarring descents and the way-marking on the trail is sketchy; meaning even the savviest navigators are likely to get lost.

Recommended guides can be found along with further information at www.lycianway.com. Guided tours also exist: Exodus (0845 8639 6000; www.exodus.co.uk) has one-week trips walking from Antalya to Cape Gelidonya departing 5 October and 12 October from £641 including flights and some meals.

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